3 exams done, and 2 more to go. Still hard to believe that the first year of law school has been completed. So as I prepare to re-read my 27 page Contracts outline (while ignoring the urge to watch the NBA playoffs), I look back and am completely content with the decision to pursue this dream. Although there are more years to complete, and more experience to be gained, I am thoroughly enjoying the journey. My advice to you (faithful readers that you are) is this: Do not wait for your dreams to find you. If you are unhappy with the choices you have made at this point, stop complaining and start making different (and presumably better) choices. Go after the career you dream of. Get back in school (if that is required). Stop procrastinating and start living. Don't wait until you wake up one morning at 70 years old and regret everything you didn't do. And don't buy a red, convertible miata. That's just sad.
Don't Rest Until You Receive Divine Rest
5 years ago