Friday, January 9, 2009

New Year, New You

This year I want to lose weight and quit smoking (well, I don't smoke but it is the number 2 resolution every year). Seriously, I put some goals together, as we should, and I realized that I love making goals. I am a checklist person, I love making lists and checking off tasks are they are accomplished. My first task (related to my first goal) was to run today, and I did. Made it 2.5 miles and then my legs fell off. So then I crawled to my laptop to blog about it b/c I knew you all cared so much. My second task was to describe my recent road trip. We drove to Dallas, and stopped at the Creation Museum in Kentucky and Graceland in Memphis. The Creation Museum rocks, and if you get the chance, you should definitely check it out. Helps answer a great deal of questions for those out there who still think we came from monkeys. Memphis on the other hand, a dump. We decided on a trip through the ghetto and almost bought some investment real estate (it was for sale for $5). I did get a chance to stand on the grassy knoll and drive down the street where Kennedy was shot once we got to Dallas. I still get chills when I think about it.

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