So yes, this is challenging, but I am relishing in the reading, research and writing. It could be the novelty (we'll have to compare this entry with those in the upcoming months), it could be the lack of sleep; we may never know. The fact is, I am enjoying myself. Breaking down cases, figuring out the rules and playing the ever-popular devil's advocate - right down my alley. This was a great move, and I am excited to see where it goes from here.
In case you are wondering, yes, I am in the library and I just finished reading for Contracts. Now it is back to the books to start work on another outline. Should I work on Torts or Civil Procedure?
Go with torts. With the Dems looking to take the white House and Congress, Reform is a long way off. Just imagine suing some porn site on behalf of 2 million teen agers suffering from poor vision and hairy palms as a result of their content. If you only got each plaintiff enough for some lube and a box of tissues you would be a millionaire. or at least have a hell of a lot of lube.
Dems = Torts
Reps = Defense Contractors
Either way I am going to be busy (or I could just start a lube distribution company).
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