Here's what I love, shopping online!!! Tell me that isn't a home run and I'll show you a liar. For fun, I have been going to the mall and standing in random lines. I have attempted to speak with my fellow patrons in order to spread some Christmas cheer, but no one seems to be in the mood (except for a few folks who felt a proper lunch consisted only of martinis). Where is the love?
How many of you have already spent your second stimulus package money? Your tax return? I say spend it all. Saving money is overrated. Get out there and stimulate the economy with your hard earned credit cards.
I for one am big on tradition. We had the picture done with Santa, the tree was cut down (sorry Earth) and decorated, we'll watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and eat appetizers (sorry waistline) and read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve. And then watch the wonderful chaos that is Christmas morning unfold (after reading about the birth of Christ). So Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Don't Rest Until You Receive Divine Rest
5 years ago