One more final (this qualifies as a study break). Only 17 more pages to memorize, learn how to apply and pray I get a familiar fact pattern. Awesome, bring it on.
Hopefully you all have your Christmas shopping done (are we allowed to say Christmas, or will the ACLU be bringing suit?), and if not, just throw a shoe at it. That seems to be how the rest of the world shows their feelings. Speaking of feelings, no more mass email Christmas cards (whoops, said the whole C word again). Nothing says "I don't care about you enough to send you a real card, so here is a mass email one" like... you guessed it, a mass email. Personally, I prefer to use the old standby, "sorry I didn't send you a card, I didn't have time." I can't wait to start getting the mass Merry Christmas text messages (you know who you are).
Here's something fun, word on the street is Obami wants to turn the inauguration into a Gay pride parade. Nice work, voters. Congratulations on your tolerance and diversity. Super job. Now the world will not only hate us (like they already do), but they will think we are just a bunch of flamers. Awesome. Did I hear that Sean John is a sponsor as well? Talk about a putting the right foot forward.
Don't Rest Until You Receive Divine Rest
5 years ago
Very good call on the xmas emails? Seriously nothing like a 'by the way you're in my digital address book.' Personally I like 'CHRISTMAS' cards with pictures. It won't be long before I can send a CHRISTMAS video with my annual greeting via snail mail.
As for Obama's "gay" inauguration... I can't see Rick Warren giving the invocation with rainbow colored hammer pants. Pat Buchanan praised this invite, and maybe Obama girl will be there wearing short shorts. So staunch hetero's will have something to enjoy. Sorry to rain on your 'parade.'
Clearly you will be wearing your rainbow colored hammer pants and celebrating your civil union...
Well I know that you care about some of us enough to send pictures. Why isnt your email working?
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