That seems to be the debate of the day. Is heath care a basic need that should be provided for everyone (free of charge for those that cannot afford it), or is it a privilege? Let me ask another question. Is water a basic right? I would say yes, since we cannot survive without it. How come we do not provide water to everyone free of charge? I would vote for fee water before free health care. What about heat? Is that a basic right? It should be in Cleveland, the winters are pretty nasty there. Are water and heat more important or less so than health care? Why don't we nationalize those first? And why stop there? What about shelter, clothing, electricity and transportation? Where is the line drawn (if anywhere)? And more importantly, who is going to pay for it? We could cut all of our military spending, along with world aid we supply and redirect (or redistribute for all you lefties) those funds to provide a free nationalist society where no one has to pay for anything. I am sure that would foster a desire to work in those that are already less than motivated. So with no military, and a Utopian society, I am sure the rest of the world will leave us alone. Laissez-faire, if you please. Then we can all sit around and sing koombaya with our neighbors. Yes, that sounds realistic. Let me know how it works out.
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