I don't know where you are, but things are looking up in Central Ohio. Home prices are up $3,000 from this time last year, and there are fewer homes on the market than there were at this time last year. Of course if you watch the news, the housing market is completely dead and we should all go back to living in tepees. By the way, I was speaking with a former news reporter yesterday. He enlightened me with the information that fewer and fewer people are actually watching the news on TV. I can understand that, it's too depressing to watch. He also mentioned that in his broadcasting/communication classes, that the "weather is what sells the news." So now you know, that's how they suck us in, with the weather. I know I feel better. Back to my earlier point, things are looking up. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) revised its prediction for our national economy, from .5% to 1.1% for 2008 and from .6% to .8% (change in gross domestic product) for 2009. That's what I like to hear.
Are you a college graduate looking for a job? Now is a good time. According to CollegeGrad.com, hiring of college grads is up. 500 of the top entry-level (yes, even you have to start at the bottom) employers are reporting the need for 175,000 new employees (of which more than 10,000 openings are for 23 companies in Ohio). 62% of the surveyed companies are projecting to hire more grads than they did last year (20% - the same amount and 18% - fewer than 2007).
So go get a job and stop leaching off your parents.
1 comment:
I went years without watching the news on TV, and life was grand. I can't continue to look away because it is an election year, and you know what that means.... the perfect drinking game. The CNN game goes like this. You take a drink every time an anchor or commentator likens McCain to Bush. You drink everytime McCain is tied to a lobbyist. You drink every time a promo for Anderson Cooper 360 plays. Then turn to FoxNews. You drink when a commentator says Obama is an empty suit. You drink every time Obama is said to hate America. You drink every time an Orielly Factor promo runs. The news ain't so bad when your plastered.
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