The word of the day is..... Bailout!!! Yehawwwww!!! There is nothing like giving money to companies that keep losing money and being on the hook to pay for it through my taxes. Now that has to make you feel good. Another 825 Billion? All I want is a small piece (like 4 or 5 mill), you know, get a little breathing room with the bills. Does my stimulus money come out of the bailout? I am currently ATTEMPTING to refinance, so we'll see how that goes. I mean, my bank only got who knows how much of that 350 Billion that has already gone out. With a credit score in the high 700s you would think it would happen but.... no one ever really knows.
You know what I love about America (besides cherry pie)? When we run out of money, we just print more.
So, like I said, Washington, can I get a piece?
You know what I love about America (besides cherry pie)? When we run out of money, we just print more.
So, like I said, Washington, can I get a piece?
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