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elieve it was Ben Franklin that said to motivate the poor to lift themselves out of poverty, we must make their poverty uncomfortable. I ask you, is that too capitalistic? Or perhaps unrealistic in the welfare minded community of today? Today ushered in the era of a new presidency, and the saddest part was that more people were excited about him being black than they were excited about his platforms and proposals. I thought it interesting that a great number of people voted for him for that very reason. It just goes to show the ignorance that makes up our society. In further support of that premise, if you ask the average person how much of the vote Obama secure in this election, I imagine you will get answers in the 60-70% range. The media has branded him the second coming to a point that all unbiased reason is lost. The true number is 54% (a bit less than the media would have to believe). It will be interesting to see how the media treats him as his presidency progresses. Don't get me wrong, I did not vote for him, but he is still the President, and unlike the classes folks in the mall today who booed their last leader, I hope he does a good job. I doubt he will follow Ben's philosophies, but then you can only have so many great leaders in the history of any country.

1 comment:
Ole' Ben was a smart fellow. Poverty in America is troubling and in my opinion hard to define. Are you poor if you make 20K a year. A young single man could probably avoid the "poor" label by budgeting and making smart decisions, but a smart guy wouldn't just make 20K a year unless he wanted to, right? A family with kids, both parents making around minimum wage, are they poor? If anyone in the family gets sick, then yes. If either parent gets hurt, then yes. But we aren't talking about those people. We don't mind giving welfare to those who want to work and need a little relief to get through a rough spot. I think, rider, you are talking about the addicts, inner city dwellers unable to get through 9th grade, the trailer dwellers that haven't cleaned the bathroom in a couple years. Well, Jesus said you feed the hungry and give to the poor. And that was it. No conditions. That is just what you should do. So my wife gives a cardboard sign guy on the side of the road $5 yesterday. Did he buy booze or cigs? who cares. It was like ten degrees and his sign said "hungry." WWJD and all that jazz. So should the gov't be like Jesus? You don't think so, Rider, and neither do I. I think the Christians in this country and the Churches should start paying attention to the life led by our Lord and savior and love their neighbor. Perhaps if this country acted like the Christian nation we claim to be, our gov't wouldn't be faced with this whole mess of entitlements. It's not the government's responcibility to help the poor, dumb, and stupid... its ours. late
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