Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Green is Too Green, and Why Isn't it Easier?

I read (can you really believe everything you read?) that environmentalists are encouraging families to limit their number of offspring to 2 children because it is better for the environment. The logic is, the more children you have, the larger your carbon footprint. Would the same logic suggest that at some point we should kill ourselves to minimize our overall carbon footprint? I mean, if you are dead, you are not consuming fossil fuels, you are not encroaching on the habitats of endangered species and you are not contributing to global warming. In fact, as you decompose you should actually be giving back to mother Earth!!! Perhaps that is a bit too green for me. Does that make me an energy hog?

Sometimes I wonder if it is too much trouble to try being green. We have to pay to have our local trash company recycle our trash (you know, the little red recycle boxes you can put out with your trash?), any hybrid vehicle is grossly overpriced, as is anything organic. In general, it is more easier to be Ungreen. Why is it easier to be harmful to the environment? You would think that our world leaders (not just the United States, so listen up China, India and Europe), would want to encourage more environmental responsible behavior. Not to mention global warming (which is of course, a joke born from the mind of weed-smoking tree sitters in Oregon and California). It should be easier.

One more thought: As the national average has topped the $4 mark, has anyone actually been to visit ANWR?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Relax Rider your not a hog for wanting to live a few more years. Now onto your other ramblings. You're so right about recycling. Every time we fill up a land fill we create residential lots on top of the mound with killer views. And while we fill those dumps they provide good shade for the areas around. Can you believe that land around these trash sites is cheaper than most! And counties are actually trying not to have to put one within their borders.
As far as the eco friendly cars go, save your dough and go for the escalade or navigator.
Is Global warning real? I think the question is how much of an effect do we have. All I know is I wouldn't sit my kid at the end of a car's tail pipe and let him breath exhaust for any length of time. So the less smog hanging over our cities the better, I say.