Thursday, July 24, 2008

Does this make me a racist? or a realist?

'They're standing on the corner and they can't speak English. I can't even talk the way these people talk:

Why you ain't,
Where you is,
What he drive,
Where he stay,
Where he work,
Who you be...

And I blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk.

And then I heard the father talk.

Everybody knows it's important to speak English except these knuckleheads. You can't be a doctor with that kind of crap coming out of your mouth.

In fact, you will never get any kind of job making a decent living. People marched and were hit in the face with rocks to get an education, and now we've got these knuckleheads walking around. The lower economic people are not holding up their end in this deal.

These people are not parenting. They are buying things for kids.. $500 sneakers for what??

And they won't spend $200 for Hooked on Phonics.

I am talking about these people who cry when their son is standing there in an orange suit. Where were you when he was 2? Where were you when he was 12? Where were you when he was 18 and how come you didn't know that he had a pistol?

And where is the father? Or who is his father?

People putting their clothes on backward:

Isn't that a sign of something gone wrong?

People with their hats on backward, pants down around the crack, isn't that a sign of something?

Or are you waiting for Jesus to pull his pants up?

Isn't it a sign of something when she has her dress all the way up and got all type of needles [piercing] going through her body? What part of Africa did this come from?

We are not Africans. Those people are not Africans; they don't know a thing about Africa .

With names like Shaniqua, Taliqua and Mohammed and all of that crap, and all of them are in jail.

Brown or black versus the Board of Education is no longer the white person's problem.

We have got to take the neighborhood back.

People used to be ashamed. Today a woman has eight children with eight different 'husbands' -- or men or whatever you call them now.

We have millionaire football players who cannot read.

We have million-dollar basketball players who can't write two paragraphs. We, as black folks have to do a better job. Someone working at Wal-Mart with seven kids, you are hurting us.

We have to start holding each other to a higher standard

We cannot blame the white people any longer.'

Dr. William Henry 'Bill' Cosby, Jr., Ed.D.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Looking for a Laptop?

I have come to terms with the current economy, and even though we are not technically in a recession (2 consecutive quarters of negative growth), the media has frightened me to the point that I am going to back to school. I have decided that law school is the answer to all my problems and at the very least I will be able to defend my rights (even as they are steadily eroded) in society. For this venture, I need a laptop. Should you ever decide that pain is pleasure and identify yourself as a masochist (Masochists enjoy receiving pain), go laptop shopping.

Lesson 1: the expert helping you is going to be much younger than you, and will be subtly (or not so subtly) insulting you in tech-talk.

Lesson 2: It does not matter how much the computer costs, or what rebates are available, you are going to spend at least $1,100 (and even at that point they make you feel that you are selling yourself short).

Lesson 3: No matter what you use your PC for, you can be sure the expert you are talking to believes you will want the most amount of memory possible. After all, once the expert accounts for his porn, gaming and music, he wants to make sure there is enough memory left to type a paper. He will use words like, "multi-tasking," "multiple applications," and "boogers" (or was it cookies?), but be sure, he is talking about P,G & M.

In short, it's a miserable experience that takes entirely too long. Anyone who tells you they did it for less/had fun/found a great deal/etc is a liar. They are the same type of people who tell you they "broke even" in Vegas. Seriously, the Bellagio should be handing out business cards that say, "Thanks for breaking even."

At least now I have a laptop that will handle every conceivable multimedia function, hijack and drive war planes, sit in for me when I miss class, change diapers and drive me & the wife home after a night out. And I got the 4 year warranty.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Does money matter?

We all saw what happened with Indymac, and the run on banks nationwide. Hopefully you have your money spread around and insured. Does that FDIC 100K limit make you feel better? Those that have received bank checks from the Indymac fiasco are still in trouble. The banks that deposit those checks (WaMu, BoA and I believe Wells Fargo) are putting up to a 2 month hold on those funds. So how safe is your money really? I am starting to believe those immigrants that bury the cash under their mattress may have it right. But then we have to worry about burglars (except in Texas) and the Euro working its way to $2. Maybe we should be investing in Euros, or buying gold bars, or at the very least ammo and canned goods. Why do I feel like it's Y2K all over again? Hey, at least we live in the greatest country on Earth, and let's face it, even if the economy goes to pot, we'll keep on keepin' on.

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a liberal? They seem to be personally offended by everything, and when you attempt to debate they just start cursing/crying and or yelling (I know this from personal experience). Why is that? I often want to ask these people, why are you so upset? Has life kicked you in the face? Such emotion... What happened to the days of spirited and intelligent debate? Now it just seems like a 2-year old throwing a temper tantrum.

I did have a positive experience with a liberal democrat (his words, not mine) during the Bush-Kerry experience. He calmly told me he was pro-abortion, and that was why he was voting for Kerry. I did not agree with him, but I respected his opinion and the way he stated it (without the tantrum). Unfortunately, that type of experience seems to be a rarity.


Friday, July 18, 2008

How much Green does it cost to be green, and how many times can you type the word, "green" in a blog post title?

It's somewhere between 92 and 140 degrees outside today, and that completely supports the global warming theory in my book. I am no longer worried about the polar bears, as the ice caps must have completely melted in the last 2 days. I have noticed the a/c in my cars and house starting to pant and asking for union mandated breaks every few hours. Should that worry me? In my ever increasing efforts to be green, I decided to run some figures. So for all you numbers junkies out there:

Geothermal heating/cooling system - use the Earth's ground temperature to heat and cool your home. Decrease your cooling/heating costs dramatically (as well as your carbon footprint).
Cost for system and installation (no this is not something you can do yourself) $30,000 to $40,000 (varies with system size, horizontal or vertical layout and whether it's a new build scenario or replacing your consumption minded gas/electric/oil/coal furnace).

Windmill - Popular in California's high desert, and with government grants out there could almost become affordable. Cost, they start at $40,000 and go up from there (literally, the taller they are, the more expensive they become).

Solar - Who doesn't want solar panels on their roof? It's attractive and functional. But being in the Ohio Valley region, I am not one to count on the sun for any type of tan, much less energy. At any rate, these roof panels, start at $45,000.

Energy star rated windows, Tvkek house wrap, 2x6 framing, whole house attic fan and higher rated insulation (all beneficial), and you are looking at $6,000 to $12,000 per home.

All in all, if I can just find that $135,000 (give or take) I buried in my back yard, I can do my part to save the planet.

By the way, all you celebrities and former vice Presidents, you just keep flying around in your private planes and lecturing us common folk on how to do our part. I'll be on the Southwest red-eye (it's the only flight under 1.3 million dollars) between the fat guy and the anti showering hippie. Good times.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Jessie Jackson for Vice President!!!

Now wouldn't that be dream ticket? This guy must be intent on bringing down the Obama campaign. He is apologizing more often than a Barack-backing preacher. "Can't we all just get along?" Does he get crucified for using the "N" word? I say we Imus him. The scary thing here is he actually backs Barack. I mean if this guy is a supporter, what are we in for here? This is not the kind of change I am interested in.

On a somewhat related note, I have made a July resolution: I am swearing off both TV media and talk radio. One is so far left, and the other so far right (I don't believe clarification of which is which is needed), I just feel slapped around at the end of the day. I am going to wrap myself in bubble tape, read only the Internet and comic books, and spend the next 4 years in my underground bunker.
Is Ralph Nader running?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Attention Truckers!!!

Saw this and felt the need to share it...Awesome


To travel the U.S. while going broke.

To learn all the back roads around the scales.

To be in one place by the log book, but actually be in another place physically.

To run 12,000 miles per month for $1.00 per mile when it's $.90 per mile in operating costs.

To catch a dispatcher in a new lie each day.

On a positive note, oil dropped the most today it has in 17 years. Time to burn my hybrid.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Should Stay-At-Home Mothers Get Paid?

Here's a thought. Stay at home mothers should get a paycheck. What if the government paid these hard working women (and men for you stay at home dads) a small stipend for their hard work? $5,000 non-taxable dollars for each child up to the age of 18. You would have to apply for the program, and that could be done at the same time you fill out paperwork for your child's birth certificate. There would be required drug testing, and if you fail you are barred from the program for 12 months and can reapply at that time. I know that is a stricter policy than any sports program here, but it's for the kids. Should the program only apply to married women with children? What about wives who do not have children? I have not worked out the kinks yet, and let's face it, this would never make it to the President's desk. It is not very much money, but it could be enough to encourage more mothers to stay home and raise their children instead of sticking them in (disease infested, overworked and understaffed) child care centers. Wouldn't this promote a more cohesive family unit, and therefor better adjusted children? I believe it would, and who's going to turn down some extra cash to help with the bills and family vacations? Some would ask, "who's going to pay for this (taxpayers)," and some would say "that will only increase our national debt." Hey, at least this way you know where some of your tax money is going (and it just might make it back your wife), and with the amount of debt our government is racking up, don't make me feel guilty for wanting a piece of the pie. When I see the Pentagon and Congress working on a (limited) budget, that is when I will drink that kool aid.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Here SHE is, The USS New York (LPD 21), made from the World Trade Center !

It was built with 24 tons of scrap steel from the World Trade Center . It is the fifth in a new class of warship - designed for missions that include special operations against terrorists. It will carry a crew of 360 sailors and 700 combat-ready Marines to be delivered ashore by helicopters and assault craft. Steel from the World Trade Center was melted down in a foundry in Amite , LA to cast the ship's bow section. When it was poured into the molds on Sept. 9, 2003 , 'those big rough steelworkers treated it with total reverence,' recalled Navy Capt. Kevin Wensing, who was there. 'It was a spiritual moment for everybody there.' Junior Chavers, foundry operations manager, said that when the trade center steel first arrived, he touched it with his hand and the 'hair on my neck stood up.' 'It had a big meaning to it for all of us,' he said. 'They knocked us down. They can't keep us down. We're going to be back.'

The ship's motto? 'Never Forget.'

Go America

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Are we pimping black people?

Jason Whitlock (Fox Sports) says we are. Well, maybe not all of us but definitely the NCAA. This accusation was brought about by the departure of high school hoops star Brandon Jennings to Europe instead of going to the University of Arizona for one year. In either case, he should be in the NBA in 2 years. The situation is further fueled by the chance that another high school star from California, Demar DeRozan may follow Jennings' footsteps if he cannot qualify academically to get into USC. Here's a tip, Demar, pass the SATs!!! Don't you get points for just spelling your name right? I took the college entrance exams with a hangover and no sleep and I passed. So either I am a genius (not the case), or those tests are not that hard. I am going with the latter. At any rate, Whitlock goes on to knock college basketball and football for their role in "pimping black athletes." I think he even drags the NBA, NFL and CBS into the mix. Jason is usually pretty down to earth and unbiased in his writing, but this was little more than a rant of the man keeping the black players down. When will people understand that life is not fair, sports are not fair (no, not everyone on the team gets to play, that ended in T-ball), and the system is not prejudiced against any player. Rather, the system is constantly evolving in hopes that the sports at every level are enjoyable and somewhat consistent. Monetary compensation for college athletes is an argument that has been around since they stopped it. These kids are getting a free education, and a shot at the pros, when did that become not enough? When they couldn't pass their entrance exams? Paying them is not the answer, that rewards bad behavior. I for one see nothing wrong with these kids running overseas to start their professional careers a year early. That should give them some positive life experience, spending time in another country. Of course, if this becomes an epidemic the competition level in the college ranks may suffer (I doubt it), but at least the kids that are there will want to be there (taking advantage of the free ride that is currently being forced on the black kids).

How about Jesse Jackson and his comments on Barack? Good to see solidarity in the party.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To Horn or Not to Horn, That is the Question

So if you have not heard about Joe Horn, a quick recap:

2 Thieves broke into his neighbor's home. Joe heard it, called 911 and went to investigate (carrying a shotgun). The thieves tried to escape and in the process ran toward Joe and onto his property. He ended up shooting the two thieves. According to Texas law, this was a justified shooting. End of story? Of course not, the two thieves were not white, Joe Horn is, and therefore this has become a racially motivated killing with just a touch of illegal immigration thrown in for good measure. It turns out the dead thieves were career criminals (burglary ring, drug dealers, etc), in the U.S. illegally and were in the middle of a crime that according to Texas law permits the use of deadly force as a result. Thankfully, a grand jury cleared Joe Horn last month. It's nice to see some of the higher-ups still have some common sense. Of course, now that race has become a factor in the event, there are civil rights groups foaming at the mouth. Quanell X (wow, that is quite a name) has decided to follow in the footsteps of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and is going to make a name (hopefully a better one) for himself standing up for the rights of Illegal immigrant cocaine dealer burglars. Now that's a cause worth fighting for. Good luck with that Mr. X (In the movies, here is where a sinister laugh would be inserted).

I know that stealing from someone is not supposed to be punishable by death, but it would seem that "3 hots and a cot" is not the deterrent it used to be. So let's make the punishments a bit harsher. Also, since Mr. Horn was within his rights according to the law, we should leave him alone. Whether your consider him a hero or a killer, you must agree that he is a law abiding citizen. Either protect him from extremist activists (like Quanell X), or change the law so you can't shoot people for stealing.

Your thoughts?

Sunday, July 6, 2008

How Green is Too Green, and Why Isn't it Easier?

I read (can you really believe everything you read?) that environmentalists are encouraging families to limit their number of offspring to 2 children because it is better for the environment. The logic is, the more children you have, the larger your carbon footprint. Would the same logic suggest that at some point we should kill ourselves to minimize our overall carbon footprint? I mean, if you are dead, you are not consuming fossil fuels, you are not encroaching on the habitats of endangered species and you are not contributing to global warming. In fact, as you decompose you should actually be giving back to mother Earth!!! Perhaps that is a bit too green for me. Does that make me an energy hog?

Sometimes I wonder if it is too much trouble to try being green. We have to pay to have our local trash company recycle our trash (you know, the little red recycle boxes you can put out with your trash?), any hybrid vehicle is grossly overpriced, as is anything organic. In general, it is more easier to be Ungreen. Why is it easier to be harmful to the environment? You would think that our world leaders (not just the United States, so listen up China, India and Europe), would want to encourage more environmental responsible behavior. Not to mention global warming (which is of course, a joke born from the mind of weed-smoking tree sitters in Oregon and California). It should be easier.

One more thought: As the national average has topped the $4 mark, has anyone actually been to visit ANWR?

Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July

Happy 4th of July!!! Sometimes I wonder if there are more Americans out there bashing our country than there are honoring it. I know I will be respecting the flag today instead of burning it. I read the other day that more and more Americans are formally renouncing their citizenship. Maybe it's for tax reasons, but in any case, I think that is sad. Perhaps there is a misconception that there is a perfect country out there? I have yet to hear of one, and one would think that we are all too smart to fall for the "grass is greener on the other side" idea. I for one, and happy and proud to be an American and I applaud those that feel the same. For those of you that do not share these same feelings, please remember to thank a soldier for fighting to give you that right of dissension.

3 random thoughts (or maybe not so random since it is the 4th of July):

1. Three out of the first four Presidents died on the 4th of July.

2. Born on the 4th of July is one of the worst and most depressing movies I have ever seen. Cruise should stick to jumping on Oprah's couch.
3. Rush, congratulations on an enormous contract... I think he makes more than ARod.

I'm out like a fat kid in kickball.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Death and Taxes - how to make the most out of dying???

If you are going to die, the year 2010 is the time to do it. That is the year when estate tax will fall to 0% (it was 45% as of May 30th, 2008). This stems from GW's first tax cut bill in 2001, and the plan was to slowly but eventually eliminate the "death tax" altogether. Great news, right? Well, only if you die in 2010. Should you live until 2011, 55% of your assets are going to Washington, and not to your beneficiaries. Congress has seen to it that the estate tax be reinstated in 2011 at the higher rate. This of course is creating chaos for those that are actually getting closer to St. Peter (writing of multiple wills, family members following them around with weapons, etc). For all you statisticians out there, this estate tax (including that taken on the wealthy) only accounts for 1% of all tax revenue. I say, get rid of the death tax once and for all (unless I go in 2010).

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Guns at the airport

I am a fan of Georgia!!! That comment has nothing to do with the SEC, but rather with their current gun laws. There is a push for (as well as, against) more rights for legal gun owners. The argument is that gun owners with concealed carry licenses should be allowed to carry in restaurants and public transportation (read airport). The airports and anti-gun activists are obviously fighting this, and I am not surprised. Anti-gun activists have been trying to eliminate our Constitutional freedoms regarding firearms for some time now, and anyone who has flown in coach lately knows the airports hate us all and just want our money while they strip search us and destroy our luggage. Not to mention the $5 peanuts and seating made for oompa loompas. True Story, I once saw TSA giving a soldier (in his uniform) the full search, the wand, the pat down, everything. What a joke.

Back to the point: when will people realize that criminals don't care what gun laws are being passed? They are going to carry anyway. Look at what happened at Virginia Tech, and that was a "gun - free" zone by law. There are those that argue if we can just crack down on guns, then people will not be able to get them, and therefore if the criminals cannot get them, we will eliminate the problem. Just like drugs, right? We will just outlaw them and they will magically disappear. Brilliant!!!