Friday, September 26, 2008

To Bank, Or Not To Bank

WaMu, what more can I say? Apparently another victim of a "run on a bank syndrome." Does that mean all that money ($16.7 Billion drawn out in 12 days) is now under the mattresses of all those people?

I am not watching the candidate debate tonight. Let's face it, these guys don't have a clue or a plan to save the country. In either case we are in for 4 more years of the same. Sure, there is weight to the fact that several new justices will be nominated by the President, but how much does that really matter?

An interesting perspective from an international friend: He thought it humorous that we put so much stock into our elections. His view is that in America, not much changes when a new leader is elected. In his country, when a new leader is elected, people die. Something to think about.

Enjoy the debate (if you can call it that), I am going to watch Friends reruns.

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