Happy 4th of July!!! Sometimes I wonder if there are more Americans out there bashing our country than there are honoring it. I know I will be respecting the flag today instead of burning it. I read the other day that more and more Americans are formally renouncing their citizenship. Maybe it's for tax reasons, but in any case, I think that is sad. Perhaps there is a misconception that there is a perfect country out there? I have yet to hear of one, and one would think that we are all too smart to fall for the "grass is greener on the other side" idea. I for one, and happy and proud to be an American and I applaud those that feel the same. For those of you that do not share these same feelings, please remember to thank a soldier for fighting to give you that right of dissension.
3 random thoughts (or maybe not so random since it is the 4th of July):
1. Three out of the first four Presidents died on the 4th of July.
2. Born on the 4th of July is one of the worst and most depressing movies I have ever seen. Cruise should stick to jumping on Oprah's couch.
3. Rush, congratulations on an enormous contract... I think he makes more than ARod.
I'm out like a fat kid in kickball.
The 4th is a great day. I've never met anybody who wanted to live anywhere but the US of A. I got to stay away from where you been spending time Rider, sounds like you been running into some certifiable folks, wanting to leave this great country and shat. Hell in what other country are there professions where you can do illegal drugs get caught apologize and make more money. i.e. Baseball, Talk Radio, Movies, and Politics.
This is not a slam on their party, but those that constantly barrage me with "how bad our country is" are liberals. Not a good sign.
If you would stop attending Kenny G concerts and hold of on throwing anymore Sugar and Spice parties for awhile perhaps you would find yourself meeting more red-blooded americans Rider!
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