I am a fan of Georgia!!! That comment has nothing to do with the SEC, but rather with their current gun laws. There is a push for (as well as, against) more rights for legal gun owners. The argument is that gun owners with concealed carry licenses should be allowed to carry in restaurants and public transportation (read airport). The airports and anti-gun activists are obviously fighting this, and I am not surprised. Anti-gun activists have been trying to eliminate our Constitutional freedoms regarding firearms for some time now, and anyone who has flown in coach lately knows the airports hate us all and just want our money while they strip search us and destroy our luggage. Not to mention the $5 peanuts and seating made for oompa loompas. True Story, I once saw TSA giving a soldier (in his uniform) the full search, the wand, the pat down, everything. What a joke.
Back to the point: when will people realize that criminals don't care what gun laws are being passed? They are going to carry anyway. Look at what happened at Virginia Tech, and that was a "gun - free" zone by law. There are those that argue if we can just crack down on guns, then people will not be able to get them, and therefore if the criminals cannot get them, we will eliminate the problem. Just like drugs, right? We will just outlaw them and they will magically disappear. Brilliant!!!
I can't say I'm in favor of some of my fellow passengers packing heat on that RED-EYE from LA to the ATL. After we land have at it.
To be fair, the guns are not allowed past the security checkpoints (and therefore not on the flight), so your red-eye should be peaceful. Nothing like sleeping sitting up with the folks on either side snoring in your ear.
Maybe they would allow rubber bullets on the plane so we can knock the snoring people out cold.
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