Here's a thought. Stay at home mothers should get a paycheck. What if the government paid these hard working women (and men for you stay at home dads) a small stipend for their hard work? $5,000 non-taxable dollars for each child up to the age of 18. You would have to apply for the program, and that could be done at the same time you fill out paperwork for your child's birth certificate. There would be required drug testing, and if you fail you are barred from the program for 12 months and can reapply at that time. I know that is a stricter policy than any sports program here, but it's for the kids. Should the program only apply to married women with children? What about wives who do not have children? I have not worked out the kinks yet, and let's face it, this would never make it to the President's desk. It is not very much money, but it could be enough to encourage more mothers to stay home and raise their children instead of sticking them in (disease infested, overworked and understaffed) child care centers. Wouldn't this promote a more cohesive family unit, and therefor better adjusted children? I believe it would, and who's going to turn down some extra cash to help with the bills and family vacations? Some would ask, "who's going to pay for this (taxpayers)," and some would say "that will only increase our national debt." Hey, at least this way you know where some of your tax money is going (and it just might make it back your wife), and with the amount of debt our government is racking up, don't make me feel guilty for wanting a piece of the pie. When I see the Pentagon and Congress working on a (limited) budget, that is when I will drink that kool aid.
I like it Rider. You are really starting to think outside the box. The drug testing angle is great. I'm all for rewarding healthy behavior. Maybe we should get together to reform welfare.
okay, I have just found my new fav blog spot - great writing!
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