Jason Whitlock (Fox Sports) says we are. Well, maybe not all of us but definitely the NCAA. This accusation was brought about by the departure of high school hoops star Brandon Jennings to Europe instead of going to the University of Arizona for one year. In either case, he should be in the NBA in 2 years. The situation is further fueled by the chance that another high school star from California, Demar DeRozan may follow Jennings' footsteps if he cannot qualify academically to get into USC. Here's a tip, Demar, pass the SATs!!! Don't you get points for just spelling your name right? I took the college entrance exams with a hangover and no sleep and I passed. So either I am a genius (not the case), or those tests are not that hard. I am going with the latter. At any rate, Whitlock goes on to knock college basketball and football for their role in "pimping black athletes." I think he even drags the NBA, NFL and CBS into the mix. Jason is usually pretty down to earth and unbiased in his writing, but this was little more than a rant of the man keeping the black players down. When will people understand that life is not fair, sports are not fair (no, not everyone on the team gets to play, that ended in T-ball), and the system is not prejudiced against any player. Rather, the system is constantly evolving in hopes that the sports at every level are enjoyable and somewhat consistent. Monetary compensation for college athletes is an argument that has been around since they stopped it. These kids are getting a free education, and a shot at the pros, when did that become not enough? When they couldn't pass their entrance exams? Paying them is not the answer, that rewards bad behavior. I for one see nothing wrong with these kids running overseas to start their professional careers a year early. That should give them some positive life experience, spending time in another country. Of course, if this becomes an epidemic the competition level in the college ranks may suffer (I doubt it), but at least the kids that are there will want to be there (taking advantage of the free ride that is currently being forced on the black kids).
How about Jesse Jackson and his comments on Barack? Good to see solidarity in the party.
1 comment:
To add to your eloquently written discourse, Rider, let me say I'm baffled at why anybody not directly involved would care about the level of competition on the college hardwood. College athletics is about building character and discipline, enhancing school spirit, and entertainment. If the ten best high school hoopsters go to Europe, then ten other players not going to get scholarships get to live their dreams and go to college for free.
Be careful with your criticism of Jason Whitlock (usually a smart guy, but not in this case) You don't want to talk down to him. Jesse may come looking for you with his berry clippers. My approval rating for Senator Obama sky-rocketed after I learned Jesse Jackson doesn't like him!
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