Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Nebraska - not brilliant... and another useless debate.

No, I am not watching another useless debate. Watching tweedledee and tweedledum suck up to the middle class with empty promises and plans that cannot in a million years be funded while "slap fighting" with each other just makes me embarrassed by our electoral process. I find it humorous the passion that seems to be everywhere in this election when the facts indicate that the majority of us don't even vote. I will be glad when this is over and nothing changes. At least at that point the commercials will go back to normal and I won't have to watch neighbors wage their passive aggressive lawn sign wars with each other. It's like if you have the most signs in your lawn then you are the cool one. The truth is the old lawn flamingos are cooler than the election signs. Go get lawn flamingos, go now. And get a lawn gnome. There is my travelocity plug.

Now on to Nebraska. State Senator Ernie Chambers brought a lawsuit against God. That's right, The Almighty. Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for everyone who is sane) the court dismissed the case because God does not have an address and therefore he cannot be served. Chambers has been part of the Nebraska legislature for the last 38 years and is not going for election. This guy is clearly an idiot. Perhaps he was not hugged enough as a child (or maybe hugged too much?), who knows. What does this say about the people of Nebraska? They elected him for 38 years. That goes past ignorance, that is just plain stupid. Way to go over there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not big on PDPA (public displays of political affiliation.) I have recently felt intimidated by my neighbors' yard signs. For a number of reasons, reasons as rational as others that might persuade another to vote differently, I will be casting my vote for ol' Barry Hussein and his cohort Joe 'B'. I considered throwing a sign out front, but McCain/Palin signs have popped up on my culdesac like JOhnsons at a Jessica Alba movie. I don't want to create friction, or prompt a neighbor to feed my dog poison. It could get out I'm muslim and my reputation would be sacked. While my state's electorial votes are not in question, I will still vote, but behind the pulled curtain, so as not to hear "off with his head!" and leave this world before my time.