Saturday, June 14, 2008

President/Congress/High End Cocktail

President Bush, how will he be remembered? Does it really matter? I enjoy the political banter as much as the next guy, but even I fear for our country's future. When will our candidates start discussing their policies instead of constantly condemning the current President? I consider myself somewhat normal, and here are the issues that matter to me (in no particular order):

  • Economy

  • Health Care

  • War in Iraq/Security

  • Gas Prices

  • Big Government

  • Taxes

There is so much white noise out there, neither McCain nor Obama seem to be solidifying a position on any of these. I keep hearing "change and hope" from both parties, and let's face it; my faith in our government leaders is wavering. For as much criticism as G.W. receives, his approval rating is more than twice that of Congress (which is controlled by which party?), 28% and 13% respectively. 13%!!! How many of us would keep our jobs with that? I would probably end up sleeping on a park bench under a newspaper. Is there a way we can fire them all and start over? I thought they worked for us...

After that, I do need a drink. Here is a high end cocktail to break out with your smoking jacket or tuxedo:

Twentieth Century

  • 1 1/4 oz Gin

  • 3/4 oz Lillet Blanc

  • 3/4 oz Fresh Lemon Juice

  • 1/2 oz Cre'me de Cacao (clear)

Shake with ice & strain into a stemmed cocktail glass. Lemon Twist.


Unknown said...

Rider you sound like a die hard conservative reading from the Hanity play book. I'm a centrist so I can have a three-way with Ann Coulter and Jenny Gump and still look myself in the mirror in the morning. But thinking about my vote for bush last time feels like waking up after a night of Mad Dog 20-20. If your from the party of less spending you got to consider using $100 million worth of spies and technology to curtail Saddam instead of a trillion dollar war.

Rider159 said...

Actually, I agree with you. I am a conservative, but I would tend to be more moderate than die-hard at this point. I am disappointed with the way the company is being run, but I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel here. Voting for Bush, though it gave you a hangover, was better than voting for Kerry. I would like to see the money we are spending on the war used to invest in our education system (and economy). A 3-way with Ann & Jenny, you are a wild man (I am assuming you are a man?).